Clicking 'Documents' on the drop-down list on the council meetings table will bring you to this screen, showing details of the meeting and the associated, uploaded documents.
To upload a document from your own computer click on the button "Upload" at the bottom of the screen. A pop-up window will then prompt you to choose the type of document, e.g. "Agenda" or "Minutes".
After doing this you will see a pop-up with a button with the legend 'Choose File', or similar. Clicking on this allows you to choose the document to be uploaded from your own computer's file system.
IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU USE PDF DOCUMENTS TO DISPLAY ON THE WEB. PDF documents can be displayed on almost any system, without the need to download software.
If your website is bilingual, once you have chosen the document, you need to tell the system in which language the document is written. If you only click on the one language, and your website uses two languages, then the on the other language page will be a link to Google Translate of the document.
NOTE: If you upload a document in association with a meeting, and susbsequently change the date of the meeting in the Council Module, the document will still be associated with the meeting. However if you change the date or time of the meeting on the general website calendar of events ('Events' on the control panel) the connection will be lost.